
Category: News

A Curious Cartography in Review

“A brilliant collection of different types of unsettling stories from the past to the present with a host of lost souls about to find their lives changed forever. It reminds us that Littlewood is an incredibly skilled storyteller…” Read the Read more…

SoA Award Shortlisted

It’s an absolute honour to have been shortlisted for the ALCS Tom-Gallon Trust Award, supported by the Society of Authors. The shortlisting is for my short story, Swanskin, which was published in the After Sundown anthology edited by Mark Morris. The full Read more…

Shirley Jackson Awards

I’m absolutely thrilled and delighted to have won a Shirley Jackson Award for short fiction! The awards were presented on Sunday alongside Readercon. The award was given for The Dog’s Home, which appeared in The Spectral Book of Horror Stories, Read more…

Meet the agent: A. M. Heath

I now have a literary agent! Absolutely thrilled to have signed with Oli Munson at A. M. Heath. And somewhat awed that the same agency looks after stars like Hilary Mantel, Marina Lewycka, crimewriter David Mark, fellow Jo Fletcher Books Read more…

Richard and Judy featured book

A Cold Season is now the featured read in the Richard and Judy Book Club, in association with WH Smith. Yay! To celebrate, here is a photo of ‘that’ moment on the couch! New content has been released on the Read more…

Richard and Judy Book Club

It’s lovely to be able to open this blog with the news of A Cold Season being selected for the Richard and Judy Book Club! It’s going to be one of eight books featured for the spring 2012 season of Read more…